Monday, January 4, 2010

Hi, I'm BiPolar, and you are???

Yea, I'm nashfa.  I'm dry.  I have nothing going on.  My love life is as dry as my bottle of gin.  Empty. Nothing.  So I opened up ArabLounge again!

This time I am telling people my name and *GASP* I put up a picture, too! Well, besides the ass telling me my boobs were too small (he also did not realize that I knew his cousin and he talked smack about him), it's going pretty mediocre.  I thought I met a great guy.

The Bi-Polar 

What?  It's true!  He was dreamy looking!!! Oh my goodness.  I can imagine him standing in front of me, although not extremely tall, but looks aren't everything.  He was a great looking fella.  Nice eyes, rugged face, manly, had a scar (so hot), and looked like an Arab, dark eyes, dark skin, nice body (muscular, different from my typical I like husky boys).  Well, we got to chatting.  Mind you, I'm a cheap ass and won't pay for the subscription. 

Well, we were talking online which then led to the phone. It was quite a quick process, although he was cute and I thought, "Whatever, we're both desperate if we're both on ArabLounge". We talked and talked and texted and talked.  And then, one day, I got the feeling.  He lost interest. So when I called, I had a busy tone.  I didn't call back because, ummmm, we're not married and I'm not going to hound the guy.  So I called back two days later. Told him I called the day before but after a couple of rings, got a busy tone.  OK, I'm lying.  I didn't really get a busy tone, I really wanted to see if he was avoiding.  The texts and calls abrubtly stopped! What was I supposed to do?  So I called and told him and he gave me a lame ass excuse.

So, the number is erased because I don't need it anymore. Plus, I need the memory in my Crackberry anyways for people with one personality.  If I wanted two personalities, I would have two friends.  I'm telling you! ArabLounge is like a freaking discount store.  With all the freaking bi-polar folks on there, you get a two for one discount! Two personalities, one jackass of a man!

Well, if he calls back, I'll probably answer and tell him I'm not interested.  Only because it'll throw him off.   Ahhh the excuse to get me off the phone was even better. It's 11:30 pm his time and 10:30 pm my time (he's an hour in the future, so it was a my science fictional friend of the future, not so much a friend anymore).  He tells me (get this lame ass excuse) he's finalizing a car purchase.

Ok, men, seriously?!?!?! You guys are the worst liars EVER! Finalizing a car purchase?  What happened to, "Hey, I'm not interested?" or tell me to fuck off, but why lie?  I don't get it!

It's a shame, he had potential to be one of my future ex-husbands.  Hazeen, now he missed the chance. 

My mat is absorbing more gin now.

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