Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Other Religion: He's Not That Bad

There is more to a man than his dirty mind.  Not all are dirty. Some are sensual, romantic, genuine, sweet, caring, and what other fantasies may exist in my mind.  I've met them!  It's just they were not capable enough of being The One for me.  The Other Religion isn't just one type of man.  Not all of them want to you to "learn" stick shift.  Some actually hunger for you, the type that is unattainable. 

As I am writing (ok, typing) this, deja vu occurs.  Reason being that I have constantly had discussions about this particular topic with many folks.  At my age, I'm looking for one that has a potential future with me included, vice versa.  I would like to know that when we are courting, if you would like to call it that, I am not wasting my time and that there might be something there.  I would like assurance that you may be The One, not another This One or That One.  Although, I believe, feelings aren't rendered because you would like them to be.  They exist because they just do.  As much as I hate my future quoted statement, feelings "are what they are" and there is nothing you can do about it. 

Say for instance you are a religion, for ease let's say Muslim, and you meet a great guy.  He is fantastic.  Conversations are lit and on fire, you see each others reactions and you are tantalized! You are excited! You are so happy to have met this man, and then religion pops up.  You realize that he, a Christian, and you can get no farther than this conversation.  But what if you can't help yourself thinking about this man?  What are you to do?  Absolutely nothing.  You can't! There are more to a relationship than the two of you.  In all honestly, the family exists between you two, the friends, the careers, the thoughts of Unimportant Acquaintances, and everyone else in between that will not wake up next to you every day but The One.  Living with this person with some sort of contact with you becomes difficult.  You really have no clue what to do!

Then, you get to trying to work something out.  That is the problem, you try to work it out with The Other Religion.  My theory is that if you have to hide your relationship, why even bother?  What's the point?  It's because everyone wants the unattainable.  Have you ever seen ham on Thanksgiving?  I know a lady that can make that piece of swine look like the most beautiful piece of meat on Earth! Every time I go over her house and she makes that ham, my mouth waters and I yearn for a bite! Yes, the Muslim would like a bit of ham!  It looks great, and only because it's against the religion to have it!  That is what The Other Religion is! 

Some of you may think to yourself, "Well, that is the only type that is attracted to me.  It's The Other Religion and I can't help it." I know, I know, if you knew me, you would understand that this is something I go through almost daily.  What is it that holds you back?  Besides religion, it's your family and those damned Nobodies (aka Unimportant Acquaintances).  If you ever talked to those Unimportant Pricks (aka Nobodies aka Unimportant Acquaintances) and they surrendered the truth to you (ha!) they would probably admit to you that there was some sort of crush on Their Other Religion. 

In this lust you carry yourself into, you must take a moment and step back.  You must ponder (which is to my chagrin because I then realize my mistakes before I commit them) that it is just not going to work.  He cannot be the one for you.  Reason, how are you going to raise your children?  If you are like me and don't care, have at it, but do not forget that you are also with the family of both you and him.  Not only religion is the factor, you're the "kafra" on his side as well as yours.  You are the one that stands out like a red mini skirt at a funeral for a Sheik.  You, and (according to the Unimportant Pricks) and only you are going to Hell for committing such and act that you hold no shame for doing.  It all falls on you, and if you are the man, well...the world revolves around you.

What I am trying to say is that I may stereotype men quite a bit here.  I feel that I have good reason to, considering my past experiences.  However, I would not encourage you to go forth with The Other Religion.  Think of it this way, he is the ham and you are the saliva drooping out of your mouth for a piece of that ass (isn't that what ham is anyways).  But, your virginity and morals and family and friends hold you back.  Doesn't it suck?  Why continue to do that to yourself daily when courting The Other Religion?  Just think (as a Muslim) that the pig is a filthy animal and you want no part, no matter how many pineapple rings and cherries are decorated about on it's honey glazed skin.

Lucky mat, I yearn for your lack of moral and constant position. 

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