Monday, August 23, 2010

Do Not Tell Me This

Do not tell me this:

"I'm not the guy you should be with." My response is only this, "then I'll leave you when I feel that I'm falling for you," followed by a his response of "No, don't do that.  Let's see where this goes."

Are you trying to keep me around because you want a piece of ass that you'll never get, unless you are wedded on?  I'm not really sure why Idiots (men) do this.  What is your concern of my emotions if you feel that you have none for yourself.  What makes you think that I am going to stick around to you?  Is it because of your scruffy beard, perfectly husky body, mesmerizing eyes that I am hypnotized in when I gaze into them, chic style you dress yourself in, or romantic names you call me?  I'm lost.  I'm astounded that I stay around.

Here is my letter to you:

Dear You,

I don't know where you are going with this.  You seem to be more intrigued with the fact that I have a vagina that you have not seen, but yet are still trying to obtain.  You feel that your aggressive behavior that I like so very much will keep me retained to your side as you call me sweet names and sing sweet songs to me as we drive off amidst the darkness of the highways to a land where we don't care who views us, and how much fun we have.  You're success has not driven me far from you, considering that your aspirations are so close to me.  I feel that I have nothing to worry about when I'm with you, and you think the same, but you hide behind your rugged demeanor of masculinity that you will never let go.  My magnetism to you is best described as how you described it to me; I am the positive, and you are the negative...making us attracting to what can be.  But will it ever be?  What will it become.  What is your goal?

When you tell me that you have nothing to offer me but your dick, where am I to go with this in thinking what could be ahead?  What is the point of thinking of what is ahead?  Is there a reason?  Should I even bother?  You tell me, no, when I offer to leave when my cushion will be harder to fall on if I have ever reached that point.  You say, let's keep going if it happens, then you contradict your words with, you're making a left turn with me and you should be going straight.

You need to understand that it's not fair.  I'm a human and not as strong as I appear.  So, when I do leave, you were the best one that I've had...only because I loved you once.  But I loved you through another man's eyes, body, heart, and soul.  You maybe soulless, and you will never show me if you have one or not.

I am woman, hear me roar.  Although, not as loud as I anticipated through the weak point I now find myself at.  


Pointless to Continue but Still Will because I'm Foolish.

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